Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Sole Proprietorship here we come!!

I just got done filing for Sole Proprietorship!!

I finally discovered a great site and eFiled.

I decided to do this after visiting the bank today to get info, and finding out that I can open a business account there with just my certificate of Sole Proprietorship or registered Trade Name, so I did both!!

I don't know how long before I will get a response or how long until I get the certificate, but my wonderful husband spotted me the $20.00 to get it done.

I am so excited, guys!! This means we're like, official!!

Ok, well, almost, but still, things are moving right along and I can't be happier!!!!

first step

I applied for an account at our local bank today. I did it all online {totally convenient} so I guess I'm supposed to hear back sometime today on if I was approved or not.

We'll see. It would be pretty awesome  to get everything set up today, but I would still stop in tomorrow to double check everything.

Wish us luck!!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

goals/wish list

There are several goals that I desire for PF, and several of those goals could be considered wishlist items, as well. I know this may not turn into much more than me and my family giving food to people once a month, but it's healthy to look towards a bigger picture. Here is my current list:

Bank Account - this is happening on Thursday, if all goes according to plan
Online store - to sell bags
Sell 100 bags -  a small goal to start with is always better
GET 100 shirts - to make the bags that I am going to sell
Get real sponsors - It would be great to have someone help us out
Go State-wide - La Plata County isn't the only place in Colorado that needs help
Go Nation-wide - Colorado isn't the only state that needs help

No too much, right?

Through God all things are possible

Sunday, February 6, 2011

open for business!

okay, I have enough product to say that I am officially open for business. If you would PLEASE help us out and spread the word, maybe we can start moving some of these bags!!

Once again, T-bags are 5 dollars each or 3 for 12, T-totes are 10 dollars or 2 for 15. I'm holding off on the jean stuff for right now, because they take more time, I want to focus on making the T-bags, but if requested, I will make a jean bag.

Prices do not include shipping, so keep that in mind, but shipping won't be much.

Tell your friends!! ALL proceeds go toward PF.