Saturday, January 29, 2011

day 1: mission success

Today was my first day of deliveries.

I've had some major struggles the last couple of weeks, and I had times of wondering if maybe I was biting off more than I can chew, but God is good and He has provided not just resources of materials and money, but in courage and strength.

I was very nervous walking up to the first house. I still hadn't fully decided what to say, but I just let God do the talking, and Laura made me realize that it doesn't matter how I feel or what I'm struggling with, because this was for her. She put me at ease with her smile and her love. After hugs, tears, thank you's and love you's, I looked at my husband and said, "This is why I needed to do this."

I delivered food to a total of 9 homes, giving each 3-4 food items, basically enough for a cohesive meal. I originally was going to give each home 2 food items, but Dominick thought maybe I should start smaller and get a feel for it, get my feet wet as it were.

After all of it, I have a renewed enthusiasm and motivation. This is Gods work, and man was He working today!! I am grateful for Him giving me the courage to follow through, and honored to allow Him to show Himself to others through me.

If you are reading this and are one of the people that received food today, Thank you. Thank you for your smiles and your love and your openness. You made my day, really.

I hope you saw a glimpse of God and His grace today, because I sure did!

Friday, January 28, 2011

The Lord provides

I was a little discouraged this past week when only one person came forward and made donations after all my imploring, but after some prayer I got my heart back in the right place, and boy did God ever go above and beyond!!

All in one day we got a $50.00 donation, an extra food box, and fabrics donated!!

I am so happy! I have been working on a custom Amazon Kindle sleeve this week, and it came out so much better than I expected. I will be making one more for stock to sell, then taking them as requests. I'm also in line to get some more shirts this week so I'll be making more T-bags, and possibly some Jeans-bags as well. I'm hoping to start selling by the end of next week, is all goes well.

I can't open an Etsy store online without a bank account, but I want to have a business account for PF. So this coming week my mission is to apply for my DBA, so I can get a business license to open an account with. Then I'll have one place for everything.

If we continue to grow, I'd like to get an official website with a "donate" link, and a link to both this blog and our online store.

One step at a time though. {but it's so hard not to get excited}

Thank you everyone, for your support and your help and your prayers.

Monday, January 24, 2011

The More the Merrier!!

I've made two more bags! These two were not made from shirts, though. One was from fleece and one from old jeans.

I'm am learning that my sewing skills need much improving, and that I have a lot to learn about using a sewing machine, but I am determined, and when I am determined NOTHING gets in my way...ask my husband.

On another note, I made an announcement at church on Sunday inviting the rest of the congregation to join in on my mission, and one of the ladies is so very excited! She is going to be donating T-shirts, jeans, and money!! I can't wait!! I'm spending a bit of time finding new patterns and ideas on how to make these nags, and I may even try a hat or two {gasp}.

All in due time, though. Right now I am just trying to get enough raised so I can place a bigger order next month.

Here's to hoping!!