Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Are you READY?!

Okay, folks!! It's finally here!


{screams and shouts while jumping up and down in a circle}

That's right, is now up and running.

I've spent the majority of the last two days working on it, so be gentle and patient when making your first assessments, but I'm SO open to any ideas or suggestions you all may have, so go check it out and leave a comment!!

Monday, March 14, 2011

making Progress

We are really hoping to be launching a website this week.

I know... I know... We've heard this all before, but really, I am anxious to get this done. I would love to have one less thing to worry about.

In other aspects, I printed out the form to file for tax-exempt status and after just 5 pages I wanted to cry. Who speaks this language and how do they expect the rest of the human populous to have any idea what they're supposed to do with it?! To say the least, it's super confusing and even more intimidating, so I am asking a friend to look over it with me, and then I may have to hire someone to do it for me because....I'm lost. I certainly don't want to make an error on something as scary are IRS forms. {can you tell what a major fear in my life is?}

So onward and upward we go. Slowly but surely.

Don't forget that until the site gets up, you can still make donations here, on the left upper sidebar. The more the merrier!!